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How To Choose The Right Social Media Marketing For Your Brand.

Writer's picture: heysociallyheysocially

Before you start on your social media journey (or even if you have already started but finding it hard to manage all your social media channels, which most of us probably do!), it's important for you and your company to understand different social media is used differently. Here are some of the things you should consider:

- Whether your brand/business fits with what you want to promote on your social media page

- Whether you have the resources to manage it

- What message do you want to promote on your social media page

Keep in mind, social media is for you to build relationships with your customers, engage them and earn their trust, not for aimlessly promoting your products or services (c'mon guys!). Ultimately of course for every business, the purpose is to make sales, but you have to earn your customers trust and build relationships first and one of the best ways to do this is using your content and your social media page.

For example, for Twitter, users use it to keep up with news and opinions, LinkedIn for company news and jobs, Instagram for more visual formats and so on. For businesses just starting out, especially micro entrepreneurs and SME (small medium enterprise), it's important that you understand and choose the right social media to focus on, as you might not have the resources to manage and handle all the social media platforms. One other important factor to consider is also where your audiences are, for example, if you are a b2b (business-to-business) company targeting high margin sales, perhaps building your presence on LinkedIn is more suitable rather than Youtube.

It's probably best to be good at one or two social media platforms, create good content, and build your followers, and then once you have got the hang of it, expand to other platforms if you want to or keep focusing on growing the platforms you like best.

For example at heysocially , we made a conscious decision to focus and grow our Instagram page first for brand building purposes (we do Instagram content creation services after all right :) and we linked the updates to our Facebook page). On top of that, we just started our Telegram group (for updates, links and news we want to share that is different than what we share on Instagram) and we update our blog for long form articles and more detailed content.

Still wondering which social media platform to focus on? Perhaps this image can help you out for you to decide.

(Image from PND Design Studio)

Share with us your social media page in the comments, we love to see what you have done with your page!

For more news and tips, don't forget to follow us on our Instagram page, Telegram group or subscribe to our blog.

Look forward to seeing you all there!



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